Environmental Impact and Sustainability in Facility Management of Hard Service

Dr. S. Mohan

Photo: Internet (Sasiistock, Capgemini Denmark) 

The result of zero tolerance of accident at working places amid workforces (site) is the positive impact in my facility management achievements, and there are various external factors which involve an environmental impact. And the sustainability of working place is utterly reliant on the ecological effects, and the environmental working places, which is comprehensive in facility management of hard service due to association of various workforces such as HVAC, Electrical, BMS, and Plumbing, Mechanical and Civil workforces. The natures of tasks are inter-allied due to involvement of specialist workforces rather than a generalist. The executions of jobs through human resources at the grass-root level are with machines.

Accordingly, it is the duty of employers' rescues their employees from accidents through well-framed OSH Producers and its strict implementation with the assistance of Facility Manager & Safety officer of the respective site. The awareness creation, through periodical conducting outsourcing workforces /seminars, is the best technique. Providing ISO standard personal protecting tools for troubleshooting the issues are also another technique /way to minimizes hazardous in working premises.  Yes, the impact is a sustainable nature, because it gives guidance to workforces for tackling the precarious situation eternally in working assumptions, and the experienced technicians who teach the new entrants how to address the dangerous situation through PPE.

And so, while preparing the Safety Procedure Manual, it is indispensable to discuss with the respective supervisors and senior technicians of a site, and the facility manager goes through the previous accident reports/incident reports for assisting in preparing the safety procedure manual to the safety officer. Depends upon the human resources and size of the sites, the execution of tasks may vary. However, the hazardous appearance to be more or less the same to the workforces, and it is the duty of facility manager who must over review the weekly / monthly accident reports regularly, counsel all sections supervisors and senior technicians without fail.

Also, the facility manager and safety officer like "watchdogs" of a site must follow their workforces personally to defend them from hazards through the respective section of the supervisors. And, an experienced facility manager knows vital of the human value and always gives more moral worth their workforces' safety rather than other factors and achieve the targets without any issues. Thus, the Site Incharge of property maintenance along with respective safety officer needs to identify the hazards to protecting employees after discussion with technicians, supervisors.

However, the relationship amid the safety officer and facility manager/property manager always is not being ethically well due to their ego. An experienced facility the manager is a specialist who must familiarize himself with all sorts of hazardous because of his prolonged practice in a site; nevertheless, a safety officer having more theoretical acquaintance; hence, understanding among them is needful for the wellbeing of employees. As a result, there must be necessary for mutual understand amid safety officer and a facility manager along with supervisors, including senior technicians of a site. Therefore, the impact of the environment leads to the sustainability of a site through implementation of well-prepared occupational & safety health procedures for the welfare of employees. 

The Writer is from the Facility Management Engineering Division, Oman Shaprooji Company LLC, Muscat, Oman.

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