COVID-19 Pandemic and Child Protection: Health or Humanitarian Crisis?

 Registration is Going On!!!

BK School of Research is going to organize a webinar on 'COVID-19 Pandemic and Child Protection: Health or Humanitarian Crisis?' on 04 October 2020 at 4.00 pm (Bangladesh Standard Time). Dr. Faraha Nawaz, International Fellow, Brown University, USA, Visiting Research Fellow, University of Oxford, UK, and Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh, will deliver a rigorous session on the topic. Besides, Bezon Kumar, Lecturer in Economics, Rabindra University, Bangladesh, and the Director, BK School of Research, will moderate this webinar. 

The webinar will be streamed live from the YouTube Channel, BK School of Research. For joining the live streaming, you must have to SUBSCRIBE to this channel and press the Bell icon, if not yet, as the live streaming will be visible only to the Subscribers. 

You must join the WhatsApp group because all the updates and the Feedback Link for the Certificate will be sent there. WhatsApp Group Link:

Participants of the webinar will be given an E-Certificate after the webinar with respect to obtaining 60% or above marks in the quiz which will be given in the feedback form. To ensure obtaining 60% or above marks, you must have to watch the discussion from top to bottom. All the questions in the quiz must be taken from the discussion of the webinar. To participate in the webinar, register yourself by visiting the link below.


*Fill up the Feedback form very carefully. If you made a mistake, your certificate will be generated mistakenly as it is an auto-generated certificate. Moreover, you will get only one chance to fill-up the form. Read the questions before you submit them. If you think you are not sure about your passing marks (60%), please watch the video on YouTube from top to bottom.

We will provide 300 Certificates in a day. The link for the certificate will be active from 06 October 2020 and it will be active till 20 November 2020. Therefore, participants are requested to have patience and follow the instructions that will be provided in the Invitation mail.

For getting updates, join our Facebook Group and Like our Facebook Page.



  1. This was interesting as psychology instructor. It help me further knowledge sharing plat form in child protection issues.
    Thank you a lot

  2. Very informative session. Thanks for arranging.

  3. Sir Today is 6 Oct. Why link of certificate is active?!

  4. The presentation is very crucial. Nowadays Covid_19 showed that we have to think big and search for possible solutions for our children

  5. Good evening sir, I am Dr. Sanjay Kumar Barik from India received the Webinar Certificate. Thanks to BK School of Research, Bangladesh.

  6. So interesting the session, late for comment. Alpreciable

  7. Where should I indicate my feedback?


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